Why It Is Necessary To Obtain Child Travel Consent Letter While Travelling Abroad With a Minor!

Whether you are living with your spouse or separated from the divorce, it is necessary to take permission from the spouse if your child is living under the joint responsibility of your parents.

Benefits Of Obtaining A Child Travel Consent Letter in the UAE

If your children are traveling with another adult (without parents), a child travel consent form can help you avoid hassle during the trip.

Can a Mother Sponsor Her Child’s Visa in Dubai or UAE?

The UAE’s laws, under certain conditions, allow expatriate women to sponsor their children and obtain residency visas.

Benefits Vs. Risks of Giving a Power of Attorney

A Power of Attorney is a convenient way to have a person’s affairs tended to without personal presence. A POA may also serve as a convenient tool if you appoint a person or a company that is experienced and knowledgeable in a relevant field